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Resource Management Act 1991
The Resource Management Act is one of the most important pieces of legislation in determining how the physical and social environment of an area, and its supporting amenities, develop over time.
This legislation requires every city, district and regional council to develop plans and policies that establish the rules by which these areas grow or change.
Far North District Plan
The Far North District Plan sets out the activities permitted on any land in the Far North District, and the conditions under which these activities are permitted. It also details the activities where land use and subdivision consents are required, and under which conditions these can be approved.
The Far North District Plan is currently undergoing a one in 10 year review with the Council developing new policy foundations and planning strategies to reflect regulatory changes.
Click here to read the full Draft District Plan.
Regional Coastal Plan for Northland
The NRC Coastal Plan covers the region’s “coastal marine area”, which is the area from mean high water springs to the 12 nautical mile (22.2 km) limit of New Zealand’s territorial sea and manages the following activities: structures (e.g. wharves and boat ramps), reclamation and impoundment, discharges to water, dredging, moorings and marinas and aquaculture.Russell Handbook
In 1974 the Russell Working Party was established by the then Department of Lands and Survey and the Ministry of Works and Development, with the support of the Bay of Islands County Council, the Northland Regional Planning Authority and the Russell Community Council. The historical background of Russell was traced and social and economic aspects were investigated. Questionnaire surveys were also undertaken. A “Russell Handbook” was developed “in order to bridge the gap between planning philosophy and the man in the street”. It is intended as a practical handbook that presents ideas for property owners who may be involved in constructing or renovating buildings or landscapes. The Handbook was reviewed by a team in 1988 and as a result specific recommendations were made to the Far North District Council in the review of their District Plan. The Handbook remains relevant today.Regional Water and Soil Plan for Northland
The NRC Water and Soil Plan covers the effects of land use activities on water and soil in Northland above the line of mean high water springs and covers the following activities:
- discharges to land and water,
- taking, using, damming or diverting of surface and groundwater,
- building and modifying structures in river and lake beds,
- introducing plants to river and lake beds,
- drainage and river control activities,
- earthworks,
- vegetation clearance,
- and activities within the Riparian Management Zone.
The Draft Russell Community Plan
In 2013 the Far North District Council advised that it was developing a Plan that would look at how the District would evolve over the succeeding 30 years. Communities were invited to participate by updating their own plans that would act as the ‘grass roots’ of Council’s Plan.
A public meeting was held to develop a community plan for Russell and the surrounding areas.
Over succeeding years public meetings, “brain storming sessions”, workshop discussions, information boards and questionnaires have taken place. A small team has worked away at developing a Plan that reflects the values espoused in earlier plans. This living document, like the Russell Handbook, spells out the policies, goals and objectives that protect and enhance these values.